I've been reading this with great interest. So, now I want to share my thoughts. I haven't seen my exH in a year. We've had off and on contact via email and the last contact he made was just a few weeks ago. Nothing earth shattering.........just business stuff. Anyway, I saw a lot of guilt/shame early. I'm not sure exactly when/at what point my exH started telling me he was sorry.....profusely. He would cry and tell me how sorry he was for hurting me.......then he'd clam up and stop contact. This type of behavior rocked off and on for some time. After his suicide attempt and therapy, he stated that he had to stop apologizing for what he did. He said his therapist told him it wasn't healthy for him to continue this behavior. He said since I had forgiven him he just had to work on forgiving himself. This I understand. So, here I am getting close to the 3rd year (BD-Oct.09) of his MLC and nothing much is going on. My exH has also told me many times that he can not undo what's been done and that he will carry this to his grave. I'm not sure if I will ever see/witness true remorse. He may process his actions and let go...........move on without another notice to me. I don't know how you can hurt someone like this and not deal with it. So, have I seen all I'm going to get? I don't know. I find myself wondering how my exH can honestly move on to another relationship with this "secret" in the closet. I don't know if there is an OW now or not.