It's a big subject osb... huge in fact. We are all so unique and the way we express guilt, and remorse is unique as well. The way we forgive, equally so. I also believe that forgiveness varies on how much forgiveness is needed, how much face to fact time is going to be involved. If you never reconcile and you have no children, or anything to remain connected, you can simply forgive him/her and move on with your life. Never having to have another thing to do with them in fact. If there are children, pets, business or something, then you need to be able to communicate, have some sort of a relationship that can be civil, cooperative and supportive. Then the reconciled forgiveness, which I don't think anybody but one who has been through this, can truly understand what that is like, unless they have done it.
I think it really help us all though to get other peoples perspectives. I have found it so helpful as I am grateful that my marriage survived but sometimes, I forget to be more appreciative. At the same time, I actually think it is my h who should be the MOST grateful and I admit, he often says that actually... and I am vain/little/still angry enough or something, to agree with him. I do feel a "little guilty" at times, because I think I should have completely forgiven and if not forgot but certainly not expect any more REDEMPTION (lack of a better word) from h or anybody else for that matter. This forum helps me to remember, that I have much to be grateful, thankful for.
This is a complicated subject. Not an easy thing to understand, let alone know exactly what it is we NEED to heal and fully recover from. Sometimes I wonder if a full recovery is ever really possible! Don't get me wrong, I feel good, really good, but this event still monopolizes a good deal of my head space, definitely not like it used to, recalling events clearly is slowly fading, which has to be a good sign, but it is STILL there. Perhaps because of my desire to help others through this, but I don't really believe that, in fact, I think it has done more to eradicate the demons that haunt me, then to instill them deeper into my psychic.
Lovely, I'm sure you didn't mean what you said about regretting having his children! I think that was just a moment of intense rage and something that you felt would TRIGGER a reaction from your MLCer. If anything you now have PROOF of just out SICK he really is. I feel the need to say, my children were the ONE THING that kept me grateful about ever having KNOWN my h. I honestly believe that if we had not had children, I would not have been an RCR, my spouse would not have seen EVER AGAIN. Of course, I honestly do not know that, because I was stunned when I found myself searching frantically for a site that BELIEVED Marriages that has suffered infidelity could survive, hehehe. So perhaps, I would have been the same, with or without children. I will never know, I had 5 at the time and marriages underway... new grandchild due towards the end of it... ughhhhhhhhhhh. We just don't know do we.
That being said, the one thing I absolutely know for sure, I WAS/AM/always will be, grateful for the greatest gift he ever gave me and that is our children and now grandchildren.
hugs Stayed