All we own are OUR OWN FEELINGS AND REACTIONS. I did not come here to argue, and my posts are not necessarily advocating "dating." They ARE advocating opening ourselves to the possibility of not strictly standing forever. Many of my comments have been taken out of context.
I do respect people who choose to stand--they have no questions--I admire that. MOST people are not that morally convicted. MOST people who come here in pain KNOW they won't stand forever, but their pain is no less real, their marriages had no less meaning, and the sudden shift in reality was no less shocking. The problem though is that permanent standers dominate the conversation and newbies might be left wondering where they will go when don't have the stamina or desire to stand any longer. Are they failures? Do you really believe that?
Why do you react so strongly? Are you afraid if non-standers don't leave they might come back in several years with reconciled M's even though they did not stand? Are you afraid they will be happier than they ever dreamed in new M's? Why do my words bother you so much? Take what you need and leave the rest… I am not trying to convince anyone that I am right--only that if they have the same questions I have, if their situation looks anything like mine--meaning I did not have the perfect M and perfect spouse and they have no strong moral conviction to stand--that they owe it to themselves to explore their stand and their reasons for standing.
And RCR says in many places that standing is different for every person. Can you stand if you had an open marriage? What would that look like? Are you standing if you never date, but end up in an EA with your work spouse? The idea that standing is behaving as if your marriage still exists while your MLCer is out leading another life with another woman and family is farce, at some point. Was sex the only part of the vows that counts? Why remain sexually chaste while separating finances is advocated?
No one has to answer to me, no one has to read anything I write. RCR has NEVER asked me to leave even though I have raised many of these issues before, but I always tell her I will leave if she wants me to. I have corresponded with her about standing in my case, and she admitted it's a tough call. But, on the other hand, the soft part of me that loved the man I married--heart, mind, body and soul--the person who made those vows with deep conviction, still feels like a stander in many ways, and still struggles every day with when I will know that I am totally done--will I ever be able to truly let go, and if not, why?
And I still have to face my fears every day. The fear that he might come back and I might have moved on. If that happens, will what I have be better than what I might have with him? Even if he did come back, could I ever forgive him? And what about my kids, what is the best thing I can do for my kids, find a man who treats me well, or find a way that leads me back to their D, who has hurt both of them, also. What would they really think if I ever took him back? And if I wait, is that the easy way out? Because no matter what happens, I can BLAME him forever—that I was true, but he screwed up my life, that I sacrificed everything for him. What ARE my biggest fears, and what will take for me to face them? Are they emotional, sexual, financial, are they about pride, or esteem, or security?
I do NOT have ANY answers, only questions, but I also don’t believe anyone, not even RCR has answers, only theories… Love and light to all, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...