LBS - thank you for your explanation. Very interesting. I do believe my H has always had narcissistic ways, and yet I didn't see it as that when we were together, although now it seems so obvious.
So what happened when we met then? I feel our love was genuine, but for sure, I called him on every time he seemed fake, or when he seemed to act a different way in public. He said I did the same, and if only others saw me for who I really was
I admit that yes, I am different in some ways at home, aren't we all, but overall think I'm pretty transparent and don't hide.
It WAS like he was on a stage. He would do things like suddenly ask company what they thought of what I just said if he felt it was against him
, or one time I'd said something about the groceries he bought home as not being what he'd gone for, and he proceeded to tell a neighbour who was walking by, what SD said about the groceries. No-one cared H!! He was on top form when anyone sought his advice re work as he is intelligent and could help them, always seeming like the hero. In the end, that is all he would talk about, work, and I remember feeling maybe because that is where he gets his praise, not so much from me, but them. I called him out on everything, and he was a very angry man, so maybe now it might make sense. He was hiding all this time, but in some ways, knew I was right, so would blow up and project.
On one of his visits after he left, he said, "Yeah, I told everyone what it was like for me living here, and as well, why do you always care about what other people think about you". I was lke
as he pretty much talked about himself. Interesting.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein