cj, it is hard to explain, and it's hard to boil down into steps or actionable items, goals or even a vision... It is simply becoming one, separate and apart from your spouse. And it's different things for different people, but it is learning to depend on yourself, and knowing you can do it. The biggest one for me was financial independence, and it scared the s#$% out of me. I gave up my career, for him, but starting over at 45 with no pension history, no real work history, added to having to close the business I worked so hard to start that was JUST reaching profitability... WHEW, but this month, I will close on my new condo--I hate being a homeowner, always have, but did it for him and my kids--and I will have just one debt, my mortgage, and not a huge one, either, and I should be able to live and work the 15 years I need to pay it off...
But the biggest psychological thing is the small moments, not having anyone to share the setbacks and the challenges, and knowing no one REALLY has your back, like if you get sick, or hurt. And that's why making friends and having a good safety net is the MOST important thing we can do. And even now, with a new partner, he is still not always my first call, depending on the situation, I have gfs or family members, or even my old FWB that I sometimes call first, and that's a good thing. cj, you may not be "ready" but you are prepared to face whatever comes next, that's the important thing--you can do it, that's what doing your own work bought you! Love and light, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...