To be fair, I think mine is one of those that if I had divorced him right after BD his crisis would had been shorter. No more need for him to keep trying to nag me. Or maybe given the world he got himself into the crisis would be as longer. But my life would have been very different, especially money wise, if I had divorced him on the spot. The biggest mistake of my life was to think OW1 was a brief affair and not run into a lawyer as soon as she was made public.
Anjae, I was one of those who packed his bags and filed the week of BD. He stalled and stalled but the courts and ow pushed so now we are divorced. I often wondered if I didn't file that he wouldn't have been pushed into ow arms. We can't second guess at this point. What happened, happened and if it is meant to be, they will come back.
Right there with you Anjae....I also packed his clothes up the day he left. Though I know he is not happy, he has destroyed everything he worked for and his reputation along with it. I thought it would not last this long, but now I believe he has resigned himself to his fate and it may be years, if ever, he wakes up.
Some of my talks with him before he dropped off the planet in May: (Said in a neutral, caring voice)
"You need to take care of yourself, because she is not interested in your well-being. She is only interested in what is good for her"
"Open your eyes H....because it will not be long before you fall down the rabbit hole without a ladder to get out."
"I will be the only one in your life who never gave up on you. When she is done, you will be out on the street, no friends and no home to go to."
"You realize you are doing so many things against the law in reference to me, this house, our rental one else would have been this nice or patient with you H....but I at least deserve to be treated with respect. I think I am owed that much. And I don't see that you are giving me even that."
His response to all of these, looking at the floor, in a reserved, soft voice..."Yea I know, I know."
When he and the $lut came here one day, when I was gone and took a bunch of things (totally illegal in Germany), some of those things were mine. I have texted him 3x on Viber asking for them back, said I will not ask again. His one response was "You will get them" That was 2 months ago

Those are just a few I can remember. I stopped trying to help. I have not heard from him since early May. Even though agreed upon, he gives me no support. Time to play hardball. I tried to be fair and it got me no where. I have gone NC for now. Contact brought me absolutely we see how it goes the other way.
Funny thing will be, once I start this ball rolling, he will exploid and rant how badly I am treating him...just waiting for that phase to show its face.