Nodding here, too. And I would love to be enlightened enough to say that I love my husband so much, that if this is what it takes for his "spiritual journey" - the sacrifice of everything I hold dear - I would gladly give it for him to be whole. But frankly, it just makes me want to gag. If this guy is on some Buddhist retreat blowing about how he wouldn't trade back every one night stand just for one day of the 6 years he missed with his daughters, because it made him some sort of great man now, then to hell with that. Ego still fully engaged! I hope part two has something acknowledging his wife's struggle. Because honestly - it still sounds his remorse over the loss of his family is all about him. Do they every FULLY get it?! Of are we, in the end, just so worn down, there's no fight left in us?
I know it seems somehow wonderful to see this man, in the end, choose his wife as his healer. But what has she gone through in the meantime? What had to be destroyed to make her the woman who had 'moved on'? I'm just really questioning it all. And I still have no doubt that his tipping point, besides the chemical effects of the depression all of those life events put him in, was probably treatable low T given his age. But he DID make choices. This isn't an amnesia fog. It really makes me think about what and who exactly I'm standing for, even in the best case scenario.
Just about shook my head off while nodding to EVERY SINGLE WORD OF THIS! I too want to hear his wife and daughter's story. I think children and spouses that move on, do forgive, quite easily. Once the pain has stopped, why not forgive, especially if you found somebody to share your life quite happily with.
I'm really glad he has been able to "forgive" himself, accept the pain he dished out and now "seemingly" enjoys his new found "spirituality" and life.
As for boundaries. Anything that prevents the LBS from constantly picking the scab off their wound and revving up their EXPECTATION LEVELS... is a good thing. Every LBS has mentioned that when they WITHDRAW from their MLCer, he/she starts pursing, even you have noticed that Xyz. Why do you think that is? Our MLCer's are used to our unconditional love, attention and support, when we withdraw that... THEY NOTICE!
Now this isn't some game (although it could easily become that if we were to allow it). Allowing yourself to hurt and hurt and hurt, cannot be a good thing. LEARNT HELPLESSNESS, springs to mind! You might say, "you can't help it", I beg to differ, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE who can help it. If you were in pain, physical pain, you would go to your doctor and find out what was causing it. You would do whatever you had to do to rid yourself of that pain... such as a knee or hip replacement/physio/painkillers. Unless, you (LBS) suffers from depression/bi-polar/mental disorder, then you can control your mental outlook.
Boundaries are for ourselves. If they help in ANYWAY to bring the MLCer out of the crisis... great... BONUS even!!! The truth is, it doesn't matter as the LBS heals faster and better when they take control over their personal WELL BEING!
Anjae, we don't know what you did or didn't do. Your h hardly ever comes near you, not sure what boundaries you could impose, perhaps just get that divorce you keep talking about and be done with him. What I don't understand is why you are still in so much pain. What are you doing for yourself to over come and get on with your life. To me, you are hurting just as much as the first time I read your post. Are you suffering from depression?
I am not trying to be argumentative and quarrelsome. This information is extremely helpful and confirms what we all thought we knew about MLC, BUT, what does it changer for the LBSer, if anything? What I take from this mans disclosures is more "proof" that the LBS, has to get on with their life. If the MLCer exits the crisis, wonderful. Great. His wife got the "closure" many of us claim we are looking for. To know that the MLCer truly REGRETS tossing the spouse and family out the window and pursue a life of raging hormones and debauchery. Nice to know, we weren't as "worthless" as we felt, at the time.
I wonder how much satisfaction that "apology/recognition" from the MLCer, really provides the LBSer? Again, I would love to hear from this man's wife and daughters. That would be some interesting reading, at least for me it would be. Somehow, we have once again, made this ALL ABOUT THE MLCer!!! Only one side of the story. Mmmmmmmmm, story of our lives eh?
Hugs Stayed