By the end, the "crashing in depression" part began to tell us something new. Like L & others here expressed, how does this actually happen?
The crashing depression? Stress and agitation. Rock botton? According to my cousin and other former MLCers I know, one day they can no longer carry on, they have the aha aha moment. Would say it has something to do with the crazy hormones getting the best of them and they left drained and flat. Rock bottom depression (Liminality) being a time of more calm (compared to Replay) may allow their bodies and minds to go back a little to the way it was before.
Too bad many of them don't comprehend this until it is too late.
Or they comprehend but are trapped in their fog?
OW/OM are a distraction, but one that cause too much damages and allows the MLCer to keep running. It is irrelevant who the OW/OM are, the fact they exist prolongs the crisis. It would be very different if MLC did not had a OW/OM. Or if the affair was like normal ones.
What about our less energetic MLCers, the ones who creep along, and never have that endorphin crashing, adrenaline fading WTF hangover... how long do they take? Ten, fifteen years?
Less, I think. And judging from my wallower cousin, whose whole crisis was much shorter than super high energy Mr J, a wallower can be much faster than an high energy MLCer.
Interesting, Albatross.
So, J, your MLCer friend, like many other MLCers, does not regret the damage he caused, maybe because he is still friends with his x-wife, and like many other MLCer has a nice post crisis live. It is often the less fortunate LBS who ends up with a not so cool life.
OP, detach, let go and boundaries are not going to bring them out of crisis. Let alone vanishers. Vanishers have no contact with the LBS and their crisis only ends when it ends. Ironically I still think if I had not turned my uber clinger into a vanisher his crisis would had been shorter. Or maybe not.
Putting more pressure upon the already pressured and stressed LBS, give them one more thing to worry: enabling the MLCer depression, is not fair. And does not make sense. If MLC is an individual crisis and a MLCer is going to do what they will do no matter what, no point in adding to the LBS burdens by making a LBS feel like we are responsible for their depression. We are not. Nor for how long it lasts.
The problem is, these partners of ours, were truly good partners. Wonderful fathers/mothers/partners in every good sense out there... THEN THIS CRISIS STRUCK!
It is the fact that they were good partners that makes it a crisis. If they have always been this way there was no crisis, just their normal selves. Therefore, the issues must be the crisis and not the person. On the other hand the crisis is the person while the crisis last. Catch 22.
Ego still fully engaged! I hope part two has something acknowledging his wife's struggle. Because honestly - it still sounds his remorse over the loss of his family is all about him. Do they every FULLY get it?! Of are we, in the end, just so worn down, there's no fight left in us?
Yep, he seems to still be full of himself. No remorse? Really? There may be no fight left is us but that is because we said: enough, not one more once of energy waisted in nut MLCer. Everyone here knows if I would go back I would had divorced on the spot and would not waste a minute with Mr J.
And since I think MLC is about stress and other hormones out of balance, for me this is all a bit senseless. All it would require it would be to balance the levels.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)