I know I sound like a broken record, but MLCers do not suffer from psychopathy. Psychopathy is not reversible, MLC is. Once the crisis is over, the person goes back to normal.
We really have no idea what areas of the brain are affected during MLC, but the ones that are, are not permanently affected, as they would be in psychopathy (or another personality disorder). Same for most mood disorders, they are not reversible (some types of depression are, by bipolar or schizophrenia aren't).
One day there may be knowledge to reverse personality disorder as well as the irreversible mood disorder. For now, the best it is possible, it to have people who suffer from any of those conditions stable (sually with medication).
MLC is different. It is also different from conditions that permanently affect the brain. It is, for example, more similar to post-partum depression, since like post-partum depression, once it is gone, the persson is back to normal.
Neurotransmitters imbalance? For sure. MLC seems to have chemical imbalances of all sorts (hormones and neurotransmitters are chemicals).
But, can we please stop trying to link MLC to psycopathy and other personality disorders? Personality disorder do not show in adulthood. People who suffer from them don't go back to normal once the storm is over.
I don't think MLC is such a complicated thing from a neuro point of view. It is pretty much covert depression. Not that it is an easy thing, but it certainly is not psychopathy or schizophrenia.
- Why the sudden onset? I know I have read on other threads that there is an initial awareness that something is not right, but there seems to come a point when the person lacks awareness and instead projects outward. What might explain this if there is a chemical imbalance?
Easy, a chemical imbalance will get worst. Think menopause. Women have an awareness of it. However, for some women, the hormonal changes are very big and the woman starts to act strange, including projecting outward.
For MLCers, the depression is getting worst and worst. Outward projection is normal in depression. The person cannot see clear.
- What role might exercise play in this? It seems like many MLCs are preceded by sudden, intense fitness regimen. Would weight loss or endorphins play a role on brain chemistry?
Yes, weight loss and or/endorphins would play a role in brain chemesty. Those two things provoke changes in the brain. Same for adrenaline. However, and unlike what people think, exercise alone does not solve depression, If it did there would be no depressed sports peopel, and there are. And, of course, MLCers who exercise would stop being depressed. They don't.
- (Related) A neurologist I spoke with told me that my MLC-H may have had a small stroke or aneurism. I remember feeling concerned that he was exercising so intensely that he could have a stroke. Could it be that our spouses' sudden behavior/personality change is not biochemical but biophysical? Has anyone looked into this?
Your husband could have had a stoke, or a aneurism, but have you ever seen a stroke or aneurism surviver? Trust me, they don't look like, or act like the way our MLCers do. They will have impairments and they need a recovery period. MLCers just keep speeding up. Well, biochemical is part of the biophysical and biophysical can involve biochemical.
PS: as an aside, how many of you have actually seen and talked to a real psycopath, let alone live with one? There is very strict criteria for someone to be a real psycopath. Trust me, you would have know if your spouse was one.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)