Also a thank you from me to you OP for bumping this topic.
This topic is such an important one for all, is it possible to make a "topic/discussion" under those grey ones at the top of the site, so that we can collect all important info under one topic that is visual when you come on to the forum (for some this is a question of "life and death"). Just as all our "MLC" stories are important so are stories, books, info about DV/Abuse etc. for those of us who experienced this to know that you are NOT alone and all the shame we as LBS carries around this topic.
Init has posted a lot of really important info. Thanx Init
For me Lundy Bancrofts books has been a blessing, both informative but also for my own journey his second book "Daily wisdom why does he do that" this one is like a bible for me and I think for all of us women who are use to put everyones else's needs before us so we don't know what is "healthy" to put our needs/safety etc first (and our kids).
Lundy B books and other good ones you can find at amazon (for you in the US you can by them cheaper if you by them used). I also recommend sites organizations like "The Duluth model".
I know we all struggles with, is this narcissism, MLC, Depression, Addictions, infidelity, shame, domestic violence or whats wrong with my husband or is it all of these. Right now I'm educating myself around sexaddiction/pornaddiction this correlate with what a lot of us have experienced.
Gone, I totally agree with Anjae on this one. I know for sure she did not meant for this "list" to be some kind of name/shame. This is meant to help each and every one that is experience domestic violence and abuse. I will defend this topic being a really important one for all of us LBS's, male or female. I'm really sorry that you can't see how this can help others. Abuse thrives in the dark and I have made a promise to myself, if my story and the wisdom/knowledge I've gain can help only one person, my "struggles/trauma" my kids "struggles/trauma" did bring something good.