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Author Topic: Discussion How affairs start in Mid Life Crisis ... Unbelievable .

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l'm pretty sure they all read the same book before bd.
Mine was reading heaps of books , why didn't l know , see it, say something .
They were all life changing stuff , that's alarm bells right there.
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« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 10:52:36 PM by hawk »
Together 19yrs
BD, 2012
Divorce 16mths later

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Kat I'm just past my first year working into my second.  They are just crazy. Mine bought me a gift for christmas, I threw it away.  He was also generous enough to get our daughter d15 at the time 1 x-mas gift.  How generous of him. 

And yep, I think they all read the same book. 
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BD Feb 2014

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in it, mine is nowhere near what your ex is but he did speak of feeling he "just worked here" and using that as an excuse for all this.  My girls still seem to love their dad and want his attention but after a year of sometimes getting responses to their texts and sometimes not, getting maybe a few hours a week of his time-they rarely speak of him unless they need him to pay for something or they want to go out to eat.  He sorta has become a paycheck, I guess.  But of course, he would spend more time with them if he didn't have to work so hard to keep up two households.  B/c I disrespected him.
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I'm not looking for my other half because I'm not half a person.

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Going to work and supporting a family is what grown ups do! I didn't know you were supposed to pat someone on the head everyday for doing it..or act like a $l()t so they get paid back. I didn't realize I was supposed to stroke his firetrucking ego every single second besides running a household and raising kids.
Im so happy I'm not maintaining a man you have no idea.
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.

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Amen sist'a Init!  you read my mind... as I have often said the same .. word for word!  ( my marriage was "child centered " ... really ? REALLY ?  There are 5 OF THEM !  They are not frigggging hamster ! ... omg ! .. I will stop here !
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Married April 1985
5 children
Bomb Drop April 2013
Thrown out of house August 2013
Affair discovered November 2013 (i guessed who)
Home December 3 2013
The Journey Of Reconciliation .. is for the brave .

Anger is like a candle in the wind ... it blows out the light of all reason.

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No let it out barbie I mean really WTF??

 I breast fed two kids for 18 months BESIDES doing every firetrucking thing else and all they think about it when they are going to get thier d!ck dipped next..seriously??

 Uhmmm men REALLY NEED some kind of idea what being pregnant delivering a human being then taking care of it every single second so something good comes from it.

I have NO IDEA how you raised 5!!! :o :o :o :o  I'm in awe of you Barbie!!

Then these firetrucking @$$holes because of their issues do this???   ARE YOU firetruckING SERIOUS!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Kick all their asses to the curb!!! They have NO IDEA how to treat someone who has been there for them. THEY ARE THE ONES WITH THE PROBLEM. It's up to us to NOT make it ours.

GROW THE firetruck UP!!!!
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.

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I wish I could print out your post init and put it up on my mirror and use it as inspiration. Powerful words!!
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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13

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And once again, someone said it for me.

In it!! Can I get an AMEN!! We all should print that out!! My husband is like Ceecee bloom, in the movie beaches! And I told him so.

Always needed attention, attention, attention!!! So much beyond the norm, he wore people out!! Especially me and his kids!   Gez, I sure don't miss that!

Suddenly, there's a lot of things I ain't missin ::)

Damn narcissists!  >:(
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This sounds like "De-Ja-Vu" Mine said that she does not love me any more because she thought that I did not love her any more...FFS! Where did that come from? I have always showed love and affection. Before knowing about MLC,I went into the the "Languages of love" book and I though we were onto something but it turned out to be not applicable as MLC has its own rules. I also fell into that trap of using old affectionate nicknames. Stern cold shoulder is what I got. Now I am keeping it pure business..!

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"It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile" From An Englishman in New York - Sting re: Quentin Crisp
"Never corner anything more vicious than yourself" -Farmer
Ok joke's over. Can I please have my wife back now? -AM

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Well try writing down what you don't miss. That might help you put things into perspective.

At first it felt more like emptiness but it isn't. Why do things for or worry about  people who simply cannot appreciate it?

If they cannot appreciate your presence give them the gift of your absence.

And IMHO the "5 Love Languages" would work a lot better if two people identified what "does it" for them!
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.


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