No let it out barbie I mean really WTF??
I breast fed two kids for 18 months BESIDES doing every firetrucking thing else and all they think about it when they are going to get thier d!ck dipped next..seriously??
Uhmmm men REALLY NEED some kind of idea what being pregnant delivering a human being then taking care of it every single second so something good comes from it.
I have NO IDEA how you raised 5!!!
I'm in awe of you Barbie!!
Then these firetrucking @$$holes because of their issues do this??? ARE YOU firetruckING SERIOUS!!!
Kick all their asses to the curb!!! They have NO IDEA how to treat someone who has been there for them. THEY ARE THE ONES WITH THE PROBLEM. It's up to us to NOT make it ours.
GROW THE firetruck UP!!!!