Wouldn't the low self esteem come from the hormonal situation and/pr? As for poor coping mechanisms that doesn't apply to many real life MLCers I know. On the other hand, there is no shortage of people with poor coping mechanisms that never have a MLC.
Bren question remains answared. We don't know why MLC is not recognised by the health/medical community and in society. Yet, everyone on HS is living, or lived, with its consequences. Therefore something exists. We didn't all imagine it.
I would say MLC is more bipolar/borderline than histrionic. However, MLCers, unless it was already present, do no have a personality disorder. It was not there before and it gone after MLC.
Hormones are chemicals. It they are unbalanced there is already chemical imbalance. If there are FOO issues at play most MCLers are not aware of it and certainly not during the deepth of the crisis.
Hormones at the tipping point of settling down bringing Liminality. Could be. But we don't know. And Liminality does not equal end of distress. It still exists in Rebirth.
I would bet on adrenaline and cortisol playing a large part in the mess for High Energy MLCers. Wallowers seem to lack adrenaline.
If the matter is hormonal, then it can be solved and there is no need for everyone to be going through this.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)