Haven't updated my thread in a few days. I have been struggling with contact again with my H....having contact makes me want MORE and when there is little to no contact I tend to spiral down to the point where I had a really bad night on Friday. We had a pleasant conversation on Wednesday or it might have even been Tuesday last week and then a single text on Friday followed by no contact over the weekend and a text contact on Monday. In between I don't know what he is doing or thinking. I let him control the contact but actually this is so not working for me, I either want absolutely no contact or a phone call every day, all or nothing.
Over the weekend once I got past Friday night I actually ended up having a good one. I expected H would make contact via text on Monday and he did. My response was very short. He sent me an email today forwarding me a household statement and put on it 'love you'....I didn't respond. He sent me another text....'hey, how r you?'.....it was a couple of hours later before I saw it and thought I would ask him to ring me so I could sort through this issue of sporadic contact from him. He called me before I could send it. I could tell in his voice that he was 'shaky' and 'emotional'. I told him I needed to discuss contact with him......and I could tell from his response he was preparing himself for 'no contact' from me.....I told him I needed either a phone call every day or if he preferred I could do 'no contact. He said he didn't contact me everyday because he thought I didn't want too much contact but that he would love to talk with me every day.
He was also at 'the love pad' his move-in date is tomorrow. He called me because he's scared and panicky.....and I tried to get to the source of his fear, was it his fear of being 'alone'? He tried to explain....but didn't quite have the words. I think from what I could discern is that the reality of the apartment makes the separation far more immediate in his mind (I guess sleeping on BF's couch for two months was somehow different?) Anyway it sounds as though he was close to a full blown panic attack on the eve of his moving in. He has to sort out a bed and a few other bits and pieces so he won't be moving in until the weekend when he has time. The stark reality of being fully alone and separated from his family hit him square in the heart....never mind that he chose this path.
I told him it's been two months....his response 'wow has it been that long?' to which I responded yes, yes it has. (Barely a drop in the ocean compared to others here I know who have been separated for months and years)....this is the longest he has ever been away.
He talked about getting a camp bed so S18 or D14 could stayover. Er....our son lives in a student residence in the same city as H...he has a bed....why would he want to stayover on a camp bed? D14 would never consider staying over with her dad.......I was loathe to dash his dreams about that one....so I just replied 'hmmmmm'. He suggested I come down and stay when I get back from my cruise.....an invitation I accepted. We didn't talk timelines but I am thinking maybe two-three months and he will look to come home....I'm not sure either of us will be ready and I've set myself a minimum of six months which takes us to September....will we be able to hold out for that long? Possibly if we take our time in reconnecting.
He also wanted to see us this weekend, I suggested he come down to watch D14's first netball game on Saturday, that way he could see both of us.
He is really missing us......that's dreadfully obvious and I am missing him.....I can't speak for D14...I know in my heart she doesn't miss him....she's closed her heart against him and really who could blame her. She was a vulnerable 11 year old when he left the first time and she's never forgiven him.
Although I am missing H....there are aspects to being alone that I really enjoy and I know many on here will get this. More closet and drawer space for one. I like being able to do almost anything I want, when I want without having to take anyone else into consideration. I like how I am much more 'open' and 'receptive' to people in general....before I was very closed off to friendships in general because I just didn't feel I had the time, H was always my priority. When I talk to people I really listen to them, I smile more at them and now I look for opportunities to engage with people around me. I feel as though I am blossoming in many ways. I hardly cook anymore.....sorry D14....(I'm a great mama in all other respects!)
I know in many ways that contact with H is possibly hindering my own healing and discovery of Mae but I feel I'm still making progress in that area. In this crappy situation can I have the best of both worlds?