I'm wondering if anyone else's MLCer isolates? My xh moved out of state to a town where he doesn't know anyone, no close friends nearby or family around. The only connection is that there is an opportunity to for him to grow sales in his family business (which he is just sure will make him happy at work) and also he always wanted to go to college in CO but dropped out first semester and moved back to our home town. So maybe some kind of regression attachment as well.
But he keeps to himself. Has quit talking to his two high school buddies that he used to talk to via phone calls once or twice a month. Those calls picked up once he moved out there and I was glad that he had someone to talk to (and a few people to just look out for him). But since then, he has cut off regular contact. I know for sure with one of them because he kept questioning him as to why he would just leave his kids and not want regular contact, custody or visitation. Can't have any accountability - so I'm sure that's why he quit talking to him.
Anyway he pretty much just works, sometimes drives (up to the mountains and long car rides) or just sits in his rental listening to music and working. He goes out to dinner sometimes by himself but really not much else. He has been trying to talk to our older twin Ds a bit more on the phone and they don't really have much to say so he just talks to fill the silence. And also I think because he's legit lonely. When I saw him a few weeks ago - he really looked terrible. Sad, tired and worn down. Definitely aging.
( I'm pretty certain there is no OW, but who can be 100% sure. Honestly at this point it would make so much more sense if he did. He told our D10 that he was happy being alone. Which who tells their kid that? But a question for another time.)
So I guess just wondering how many MLCers really just want to be alone? To isolate? He's been there almost 7 months. Nothing has changed. No hobbies. No new interests. Just same depression different location. I mean if nothing else - he's having alot of 'me' time. Really hope he's using it process, grow and heal.
I should also stipulate that my husband was 'unhappy' about work, his family and our life. He left our life. Quit our family and changed work since he feels he can't walk away from that. So basically everything and everyone was making him unhappy. He himself had no part in that,

YOU keep interrupting his crisis. YOU keep him distracted with all your questions, statements and observations. YOU keep him from facing himself, from feeling the pain of missing his family (until he is ready to do something about it...or not ). YOU are keeping him from fully feeling and facing the man he is. Leave him 100% to his own devices and crisis ...100% shut it all down. Bow out...its not about you! I sometimes feel they have stranded themselves on some deserted island. They have done that to themselves as a result of their own actions, choices, behaviors. They need to figure out how to get off the island...the messy painful island they put themselves on. Stop taking him fresh water, food, homemade baking, clean clothes etc....why would he try to make himself better?