MGG, I doubt very much that your XH receives your communication, no matter how it is transmitted, as an 'offering'.
Hi! I’ve been away from the forum for a while and not posting much. But this discussion is like a bad car accident. Even though every fibre of my being says don’t engage, it is hard to look away.
I’m not sure I have ever seen a discussion where someone has so persistently deflected so many compassionate corrections.
MGG, if I am reading your profile correctly, your BD was fall of 2013?
And XH left more than 2 years ago?
I'm sorry for the hurt that you feel. We have all been there.
But as Brenross said, this is a long time to carry so much anger.
You've made it really clear you are standing. And you’ve said that you hope some of your ‘truth darts’ actually get through to your X, so I’m going to go out on a limb and use the same strategy.By the end of this post, you may not like me very much.
If you don’t, that’s great, because that is the point I am trying to make. There’s a fine line between ‘truth dart’ and blame. Or sarcasm. Or snark. People tend not to like it much when we cross it. People don't much like being preached at, either.
Even though there is nothing specific an LBS can do to effect a spouse's return, there is
a lot an LBS can do to torpedo the possibility.
MGG, many people have been telling you both gently and directly that your compulsion to stick it to your xH is not going to get you what you say you want. And maybe that's it. What you say you want might not be what you actually want at all.
I have some questions for you to reflect on.
I am not asking you to answer them.
Only suggesting you think about them.
And I’m not asking you anything I haven’t asked the woman in my own mirror.
What are you standing for? Can you identify reasons for your stand
in addition to your vow?
Are you standing because you love your H?
And your family?
And believe in what was good in your marriage?
Or are you standing out of defiance? To make an example of your XH for breaking his?
It's important to know, because standing is a way of being. It isn’t a virtue badge one wears to amplify a spouse's scarlet letter.
You wrote that you despised his family for 17 years. You also wrote that your X said one of the reasons he left was because you didn't like his family.
So far, you’ve insisted on proving him right, so it’s hard to imagine your stand includes wanting the ILs back.
Do you
really want to restore your marriage?
If you do, are you willing to do what it takes?
Because right now, you are the only one who wants it.
So you are going to have to do the heavy lifting.
Is that 'fair'? No.
But for now, it is what it is.
When patient LBS’s are prefacing their advice with ‘not that I think you will listen, but I’ll give it one more try’, that’s a pretty clear message you aren't ready to even hear what it takes, let alone do what it takes.
My own experience tells me you are in danger of putting your son in a position where he finds it preferable to be / live with his dad because it is difficult to manage the internal conflict created by your immaturity...such as calling him out for spending time with his father, his family, and his father's new p.......erson.
Newsflash: Your X’s OP is not a prostitute. Or a hooker.
Just stop with that.
I get that you are angry, and why.
I really do.
But, it does nothing positive for you when you communicate that to others.
Quite the opposite.
You admire the work of RCR – you may want to read her posts regarding how name calling the OP diminishes the LBS.
Why should his family ostracize him, or the OP?
And why would you intrude on his family Thanksgiving dinner?
Your behaviour confirms to all of them that he is lucky to have escaped crazy X who has no self control.
Case in point, the niece dropping you like a hot potato.
I wouldn’t bring the remainder of this up, except you have referred to the Bible many times, so I assume you are interested in what it has to say. Particularly as it relates to marriage. (Though it actually says a lot more about love, forgiveness, and reconciling relationships.)
(For anyone reading along of a different faith tradition, or no faith tradition, feel free to skip ahead because oddly enough, the Bible stuff doesn't apply to people who don't follow the Bible ).MGG, you've studied this so you know that Jesus, when asked, said that divorce was not part of God's plan. Instead, Mosaic law allowed divorce due to people's hardened hearts.
Your X’s heart is hardened, for sure.
But what about the state of your own heart?
If you are going to use the Bible to guide your stand, why not start with the Gospels. Particularly the part about removing the plank from one’s own eye before trying to pluck the speck from another.
That is the basis of the mirror work RCR has written about.
Yes, adultery is a sin. But sexual sin isn’t a super sin. You can comb through both Old and New Testaments but you won't find any direct link between committing adultery and going to hell.
It’s just not there.
God definitely corrects, even condemns, sinners.
But the Scriptures run a little short on the details regarding how.
Despite the popular "you're going to hell" that people like to toss about like anti-pixie dust, the actual answer is beyond our pay grade.
Is adultery wrong? Yes.
Not honouring your father and your mother is also wrong.
It comes even higher on the list than adultery, but after keeping the Sabbath.
Not that we're counting.
As far as I can tell marriage brings families together so the FIL/MIL part counts just the same.
You may want to check your own ticket for the train to H.E.Double Toothpicks for not upholding that particular directive.
You will be seated in the car ahead of your husband.
But after all of the Sunday shoppers.
Re: your son's Thanksgiving dinner.
It is worth remembering that Jesus himself broke bread far more often with prostitutes and sinners (which had to include adulterers because there are so many of them) than he did with self-righteous Pharisees.
If it was OK for Jesus to hang out with prostitutes, your son is following a pretty good example.
In fact, Jesus dining regularly with sinners is what ticked the holier-than-thou Pharisees off enough to plot to kill Him.
The comforting thing is, the overarching theme of the Bible is God’s on-going effort to
reconcile Himself to his people, despite their tendency to continually abandon, hurt and disappoint Him.
And, it's a compelling view on just how much he was willing to sacrifice, ie: His Son, in order to reconcile with the people He loves.
Which are all the people.
All. The. People.
It is easy enough to condemn someone with sound-bite scripture. Taking to heart actual passages like Proverbs 14:1; 14:29; 15:31 and 16:32 is quite a lot harder. Believe me, I have been on this journey myself.
I’m sorry you are going through this awful experience, MGG, I really am.
You may not have had any control over your XH’s choices and actions.
But you have full control over how you respond.
It's up to you to take it.