I think that this period is where the type of MLCer dictates how they will react at his stage, in particular, if they have been a high energy MLCer or a low energy MLCer. I think this period is also influenced mainly by the amount of damage done in during Hard Replay.
From looking at sitches at this stage, it seems to me there are three main personalities. First is the Low Energy MLCer. This person jumped on the laid back steam train during Hard Replay. They escaped and avoided, but at the end of Hard Replay, where they land, they have burned off the MLC energy, but still have pretty much control of their life. They may have collected debts, but they can be serviced, they still have their homes and their job, or a job on a comparable level. As they do not have the Tsunami of Replay to deal with, Hard Replay fizzles out, and they seem more likely to land in the classic Limbo, no external demands that require them to keep taking steps forward in the tunnel. Trusting's H springs to mind here, as does Mermaids. Perhaps they are more likely to live at home, and never moved out.
The second is the Moderate energy MLCer. They have done more damage during Hard Replay, and from a practical sense their options are may be very curtailed, but they still have options. They may have eventually moved out, maybe in with OW. Trust and Love, I see your H as one of these.
The third is the classic High Energy MLCer. These people jumped on the Rocket in a bullet proof vest, and went very very hard. The end of Hard Replay was probably due to money running out, not because they ran out of energy. Practical matters demanded that they change at this stage. They have spend well beyond their means, with no thought for tomorrow, and when they stop Hard Replay, there is a good chance they have lost their source of income, and perhaps their house and Replay toys.
At the end of Hard Replay, the path the MLCer takes depends on the above.
Low Energy MLCers perhaps fizzle out as a wind up toy low on batteries. They seem more likely to arrive at the destination of Limbo. There are no real practical matters to push them through the second part of Replay, hence their emotional awakening may take longer.
Medium Energy MLCers perhaps have the luxury of cycling back into Replay for longer. They still can scrap together the funds, and therefore can still Escape and Avoid for as long as they like. Again, they are not forced to look at themselves at the end of Hard Replay. They can potentially move to a higher energy Limbo.
The High Energy MLCers, well at the end of Hard Replay, the money has run out. And as the bills hit them, it is their name only that is on them. To begin with, it is why me, but the black and white evidence of practical matters suggests eventually to them that they are the common denominator. I think this may start High Energy MLCers on the road to Liminality earlier than the lower energy types. That sounds good, but the High Energy MLCer has a huge amount of practical mess to sort our before they can reach real Liminality. Those with babies perhaps fall into this category too.
I like the phase Early Lininality, it explains a lot. The definition I get of Liminality is that it is a time of realistic processing of issues. Just as at BD we do not process everything in one day, during Early Liminality, processing is intermittent. The practical matters are processed first. Perhaps Low Energy MLCers can skip the practical processing, which is why they may go to Limbo, emotional matters are much harder to process. The processing of practical matters forces the High Energy MLCer to look at their world through different lens, and leads to the door of emotional processing too. But it must be done in tandem with the processing of piratical problems, so it remains intermittent. Early Liminality to me describes the period from 18 months onwards, and may really last a couple of years. It is a part of what is currently called Replay.
The awakening while described as a stage is really the awakening of reality on many different issues. I see this as being intermittent also. The fog may roll back for short periods of time, and various issues may surface. For an awakening on an issue, we need to hear it consistently for say 3 months. They may then move onto the next issue to awaken on. The easy issue are the first awakening, moving onto the harder issues of their relationship with us and also OW. When they have had an awakening on all the major issues, consistently, they then need the energy to act on them. When this energy builds up enough, that becomes the awakening of OW that HB speaks about. There is a need to act on that, and how their life has become, to move forward. But the ability to do so is still a work in progress.
Perhaps true Liminality is where the decision to change their life is made. A change in direction of their situation, and who they are. And after making so many bad choices, they are confident enough to stand behind their choices here. To me, this is where the Withdrawal and Depression stages kick in. They need to think about the choices they are making, and get the energy to do so. But it continues to be back and forward, not one clear path.
It is all very confusing, and at this stage depends so much on the individual and situation. Once they start comes towards us again, they stages seem to again be more uniform, and we all start hearing and seeing similar things again, as we did the first part of Replay.
These are just my thoughts!