I personally believe if there is any chance of reconciliation it all starts with the LBS. What do we do during this time. I am not there this is just my thoughts based on what I have read.
The LBS who gets his/her crap together has a better chance no matter the type of MLCer….even the vanisher.
By getting their crap together, I mean:
They start by taking care of themselves, their family, the house, the animals....whatever was left in their hands.
They learn, learn, learn.
They don't nag, cry, scream or be mean, vindictive, sarcastic.
They learn to let the anger go.
They learn how to forgive others actions.
They learn how to protect themselves.
They learn how to stand up for themselves and for what is right and fair no matter what has been done to them. They do it without anger or personal vendetta.
They grow.
They take the best of themselves and make it better.
They find the bad parts that are fixable and improve on them.
They learn patience.
They learn to not need to have control in every situation.
They learn to appreciate blessings of all sizes and shapes.
They become confident.
Basically...they become the best person they can be and they do it for themselves. I could go on and on....but in all the different sites and forums out there (that I have been exposed to)...they all have the same basic message.
1. Mirror work/Be the best person you can be/focus on yourself, etc.
2. Don't focus on MLCer. Do something with your life. GAL, etc
3. Let the MLCer start convos….especially relationship convos.
4. Learn to treat the MLCer with grace.
5. Let time run it's course. Won't happen in a few hours, days or weeks. Get ready for a long haul.
6. The only thing you can control in life is yourself and how you act, react, etc.
If you do the opposite of these things, you are just digging a bigger hole and chasing the spouse away. Don't dig that hole deeper and take away chances.
It is all your choice to try to not. To stand or not. It is up to each one of us to decided what we are going to do in any given second of our lives.