Everyone seems quick to find fault with the US, we have plenty, but so do other countries. People who are not native to here, come, stay and complain....
The stay part is puzzling to me if where you come from is better.
Interesting, so we are free, but not free to criticize the shortcoming of this country because we were not born here? So freedom has different levels based on birth? Or is it by how many generations? Or is it by what we believe? I am a bit confused. I mean its ok to have freedom to spread the virus and to block hospital access by some, but those of us who point out how we can have a better society should simply leave and go back because we were not born here. Interesting take. Considering in my opinion the ONLY unique characteristic of the US system WAS that citizenship was absolute and equal (with one exception) when granted, whether by birth or by choice. In fact I would say those of us who CHOSE citizenship made a very conscious and aware decision, we didn’t fall into it. And FJ “ways of life” always change in all societies, trying to hold on to what was has never worked. Also in a country as broad and diverse as the US there has never been a single “way of life” in the history of the entire country. We are not a homogenous group, we have never been. So I am not sure which “way of life” you are referring to.
As for government controlling your wallet: this is another one of those false repeated stories. Taxes are not control, taxes are the cost of having a FUNCTIONING society. It is not theft. It is not a punishment. No we don’t have a right to keep all our money AND live in a society. There can be very good conversations to be had around the balance of tax vs services, what we collectively want, etc. And we used to have those many years ago. Now its just people shouting about “theft” while still wanting to have the security of a safe country, roads, services and a good quality of life. It seems a bit entitled to want to keep your money and to have things for free at the same time. Also it puzzles me, we live in a country where it is the government of the people by the people. We vote, we decide, we are in control only IF we educate ourselves and vote. So how can the government be our enemy? We are the ones who have made it the way it is, we the voters have all the power. How we choose to exercise that is another matter.
I think this Covid pandemic would be a great opportunity to see the strength and weaknesses of societies we live in, then try to make them better. If we are not just concerned with our limited self interest we would see how we are stronger always as INDIVIDUALS within GROUPS. Individuals can’t care for themselves when sick, individuals can’t be experts in all fields, its not individuals that are saving lives and making breakthroughs every day, it is TEAMS of people. If you stop thinking of the government as the enemy you may even realize that at times like this government is POOLING our common resources to help all of us, economically, medically and by guidance. Or at least it should be, and is in most places.
I think what makes a place great is the ability of its citizens to be honest about themselves and always want better. Not just pretend it is flawless and perfect. That is what third world dictatorships do, look at N Kora and Russia. Great societies own their strengths and acknowledge and correct their weaknesses.
Nerissa: thanks for the excellent informative links. What we need is more information and knowledge and less opinion to get through this as well as we can.
LP: thank you for some great food for thought.