Very good analogies.
My H had previous alcohol and drug addictions. (Who am I kidding....he is an addict/alcoholic). Cocaine was his drug of choice. I boggles my mind that, with all that has happened over the last 1-2 years, he has not gone back to drugs/alcohol. (He got "sober" in 1986). Maybe he has? But, I sense that he hasn't. At BD he told me that he felt his sobriety was "at risk." He used this as one of his excuses to leave - as if I, in some way, threatened his sobriety. I spent a few months feeling guilty about this. Silly, huh?
Your quote from the addict really hit the nail on the head. I think that is completely right. The addict got this extreme high from his first experience and continued to seek that same high over and over again. But, it takes more and more of the drug to reach that "high", until you can no longer get there. Actually, they try to get that "high" but it is unattainable. It takes rock bottom - for the addict to accept that their life is unmanageable.....and only the addict knows what rock bottom is.
Chasing rainbows......yep - that's it.