Very interesting discussion. While we try to be dismissive of the significance of the OP, this by far is the cruelest & most painful part for the LBS. It takes a lot of time & energy to put the OP & the MLCer's "new R" in perspective. It is time & energy we could put to much better use in dealing with our own lives.
I believe the OP is a "band-aid", but that sounds almost innocent. I prefer to think of the OP as a self-medication device, more like a keg of beer or a fistful of pills. Because my MLCer already had addiction issues, I can clearly see the OW as a "fix", as medicating the pain/emptiness of MLC. This comparison also can help to de-personalize the issue of the OW for me, but as my IC reminds me, the nature of an alcoholic reaching for his drink does not involve the level of betrayal that reaching for a OW does. He knows the OW is not so easy for me to dismiss.
Basically, the MLCer is attracted to an OP that is similar (similar in the way that they are broken) to them in order to fix/heal the OP which in turn helps the MLCer fix/heal themselves. The MLCer doesn't want to look at themselves but they have to - the OP is a mirror, the MLCer can see themselves in the OP.
That's what these women are, needy. Needy for attention, needy for validation, needy and need rescued.
I believe this is the case with my H--an attraction to someone broken in the same places & an attempt to rescue. From addiction literature--"if you can't fix yourself, maybe you can fix someone else". But I agree with Anjae. No one is really fixing anyone in these dysfunctional Rs. My hope is that in looking at his OW my guilt-ridden H sees his own despicable behavior literally mirrored in her & what she has done & eventually becomes disgusted with her as well as himself.
I think... it's another females attention they fall for, not what they look like or even who they are inside. The OP will tell the mlcer whatever they want to hear to keep the attention going.
It's just a lot of absolute rubbish they spout to us, anything to justify their behaviour. I could find lots of things in common with someone who pretends to like the things I like just to maintain my attention. I would eventually find them out though, just like the mlcer does.
The MLCer has an addiction to the adoration, approval, & sexual attention of the OP. Despite the stereotype of the young, beautiful OW of the MLC, it certainly is not the case in my situation & not of too many I read here. And while sex can be an important factor, I think even more powerful is the adoration & approval, the validation of the MLC mindset. The capacity of the OP to keep up the approval/validation is quite amazing & demonstrates their own insecurity & poor self-esteem. My H's OW was around long before BD; it is hard to understand why she has hung on for so long & has (apparently) demanded so little. My MLCer seems entranced by the adoration; what will it take to break that trance?
Detach and Survive: A Book of Self-Care for the Wives of Midlife Crisis Men
The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Susan Anderson
Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The Addictive Personality, Craig Nakken'ed 41 years
BD-Jan 2013
Legally separated Feb 2013
D'ed without my consent July 2015
H M'ed OW Sept 2015