I should have seen it coming, being my father was a Clinical Psychologist, worked a lot with the courts, specialized in child abuse cases. I think it was all too up-close and personal in my sitch . Blind I was.
I spent many hours looking at his DSM each time a new version came out. H faced emotional trauma at age 7...
death of father. No predisposition for depression evident in his family. Perhaps from fathers side...no contact with that part of the family for 55 years. Possibly then.
Thyroid problems are genetically evident in his family (H, MIL, GMIL) as well
as low blood pressure...making him tired and his body temperature always low, he complained about being cold.
Due to the thyroid issue, he would get mad at the most stupid things, explode and then it was
over in a matter of minutes. Same for his mother and stories I heard about his grandmother. And if he went three days without the thyroid suppliments...you saw it in words and action.
I was the one who suggested he take something to calm him down. I was the one who suggested the Prozac......OH, had I only known what was coming down the road, never, ever would have done that. I had a dog with OCD (working with Tufts Univ. and Dr Dodman...we used Prozac) Where my idea came from. Helped the dog lead a somewhat normal life.
The explosive episodes were nearly non-existant now.
Then came the low testosterone...followed by ED (6 yrs ago)
Caused by the prozac and thyroids?
Then the thyroids were removed (4 yrs ago) ...H had trouble adjusting to the meds.
He was constantly tired, no energy, he was frustrated as he was a physically active person.
He slept alot, waking up at 10 and then 3 hours later, taking a nap for 2 hours.
Then came my malignant tumor, loss of a kidney and tax problems.
6 months later....OW and the Affair began.
The year before BD he was addicted to Angry Birds on his phone, did not see it as escape...but it was right in front of me.
He told me he thinks he is depressed. BD..said he is having a MLC.
Now the problems are piling up, financially. He cannot deal with it anymore. Looks like it followed him there (paradise did not live up to its name)
What will he do? Not the suicide type. He has become the rabbit in the
hole. But rock bottom is around the corner. He will bring me down with him, unfortunately.
Do I offer a suggestion that will save us or keep my mouth shut?
He has 3 of the 4 causes of depression...No 4 I never saw.
I would love to talk to my father but he passed away 5 years ago.