Interesting to see how everyone is learning to walk the friendship line.
3 years in, I have found a comfortable place, for me.
Early on, H told me it was the friendship that was most important part of the R w/ho, that she should move in and would be a good influence on our kids, loved to cook and clean, and would enhance our M all around.
Duh, it was easy to draw a boundary there! But the "how to be" with him was a bit harder.
Now, I am pretty dark with him but I am there for him under all the 'stuff', but won't deal with his dramas. For example, when he was complaining to me about trying hook up internet service with the "idiots from the phone co", I drew a line and said "Don't come here pretending everything is ok and that I will listen to your tales of woe about your nesting and shacking up with OW." But on the other hand, When he sent me an obit from an old friend of his, I immediately called him, and listened to him talk about the guy. I knew I was the only one who knew what this man meant to him. I am sure ho sympathized, but our unspoken knowledge is so much deeper. Overall, I am cordial, like i am with a neighbor or the cable guy, ya know, nothing too personal, but if 'true connection' ( I don't know what to call that profound connection that binds us underneath all the crap) is needed, I am there. (Life, death, illness,....rock bottom)
"I will not have a relationship with you while you are involved with OW"