This does not sound like something I would consider "normal"... but it isn't... CRAZY... it's... just not... "normal"... I think...
Kaffe..... this IS's crazy.... think about it...
erm... ok, so I'm getting the feeling that you believe this could be MLC, LG...?
lol, ok... the way you frame it, it certainly seems a little more than out of norm...
I'm joking, I really get what you are saying... in the moment, I was... well... you know how people do that... straight face that comedian side kicks do... that was me... I walked in... stutter stepped as I looked at the two of them... turned, grabbed a shirt out of the dresser and walked out... she came right out behind me, claiming that the other 5 adults that had stayed the night had just been in the room and left only 30 seconds prior... *shrug*... and of course, enabling friend was right there with her rationalizing the sitch and what I DIDN'T see...
I get that is the reaction of a teenager busted by a parent... and I get the crazy in the rationalization... but I'm thinking...
ok, am I really in denial...?
I think to myself that this could simply be a WAS that somehow forgot that I was in the house and would need to grab a shirt before I went to work... and was really innocent in the bed with this guy...
Is that called PTSD... or co-dependence that I'm trying to make the crazy bad... look not so bad...? But really, couldn't a WAS do the same and accidentally get caught in a compromised position and try to deny, justify and rationalize...?
But then, I guess... wouldn't a sane, rational person go into the... "OMG, I am SO SORRY!!! It was wrong! I did not mean it!!! I will never do that again!!!" Unless, they had already chosen out... by way of OM... and she'd simply say, "I want out! Bye!"
OK... yeah... I guess that's kinda crazy...
I'll tell you thought, things certainly didn't get better after that... that's when the blaming really started... the more overt monster arrived... I was gone 25 days later...