My H's story is very similar to OJ's. He was going through something in 2009 or longer, but started first with Seroquel XR after a bipolar diagnosis by the general practitioner (I know) in Jan 2010, within a month I think was then transferred to a psychiatrist and separate therapist who downgraded to generalized anxiety (H was scared of having a more serious illness - I think he lied to get it downgraded) and was put on I believe Celexa or something else I'm forgetting - but definitely did the Celexa for awhile and actually did well on it (other than digestive issues). Because of the issues he was switched to Lexapro, went off of it cold turkey within a month, all hell broke loose and life has never been the same, yadda yadda. It wasn't the cause, but I spoke with a PTSD specializing psychologist (happens to be a friend's mother) who believes the drugs, given at a time when he was not manic, threw him into mania. I suspect the FOO on the father's side has a B6 deficiency due to a lot of consistent chronic issues that lead back to that. If that's true, he naturally is not creating enough serotonin, and that is contributing to the depression and Monster. I also think there's a strong link to a dissociative fugue state, but I also think there's merit in looking at it psychologically through the Erikson/Conway/Jung MLC viewpoint. Maybe low T too? Can we just call it a hot mess?
But I answered "I don't know" because I don't since he is off in la la land. I do know he did better when just on B-complex, St. John's Wort, and briefly spring of 2012 when I talked him into trying L-Tyrosine.