FTT That NYT article is in line with the studies on wall street (and other) men who do fine for the first years but end up costing more in the long run because they loose the ability to access risk.
But if women are better at taking risks and make more sound judgements then how does OW fits in? They are women taking risks, being very angry at the LBS, etc. Or does it mean that the OW is really the one making decisions because the MLCer is too messed up?
To be fair I do not believe women are any better than men to handle small stress situations. I know too many female family, work and friends who make a mess of small stress and do not know how to handle big stress. And if you look at countries run by women you will not found much difference from the ones run by men. Margaret Tatcher took more risks than most men would, Angela Merkel put southern Europe under an iron fist and only thinks of profit, etc.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)