This is a great topic and I feel like the existence of this forum is proof that MLC is real.
I think that might be circular reasoning.
Although I agree with the existance of MLC, I have been on a bunch of marriage forums that do not beleive in MLC.
They bash it and trash it and find every reason why it is not real.
SO they have a forum that says it doesn't exist, that contradicts your reason above.
But are they living with it? What is their basis for saying it's not real? I would love to hear it because a part of me didn't believe it either, until BD.
I guess I think it's a matter of how you define it. If you try to tell me that my husband is sane right now, I would know you're nuts, and in most all these cases, these are not sane people who one day up and walk away from reasonable marriages and families. You can call it a transition if you want, but I would still say it's an abrupt transition.
The most amazing thing to me in all these cases is that there is a BD. I know people who got divorced because it wasn't "right." Whether it was never right, or grew poorly, things got bad, they went to counseling, fought a lot, whatever, until one day they knew it was over, but they can't pinpoint a DATE. The thing in all of these cases is the existence of a DAY, a moment when everything changed. The fact that things may have gotten stale or less good over time, like all marriages, but in almost all cases, the LBS is truly surprised.
That's the one thing for me that shows MLC, not just a case of a marriage gone wrong, but a true crisis, with a breaking point. I wouldn't argue that it might be better named, but the cases are all so similar that there has to be a name for a phenomenon for people who break, at some life turning point, usually following a personal crisis or challenge and make changes that would not have been a match for their previous character. When a majority of friends and acquaintances cock their head to the side and say "s/he did what?" that's an MLC, just my HO, and I have been wrong SO many times, I lost count, so it's worth nothing, but just my current thinking on the topic ;-)!
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...