Ex didn't monster too badly. After bd she was still quite polite and fair but still on her path. If we got into a fight though she went right of her nut.
Later after she moved out , there was so much hurt in me and in coping with trying to figure out how to be a dad like this , l basically stayed pretty polite to keep the best sitch with my d.
Ex did to but did do a few very hurtful things , seemingly oblivious to any pain they might cause me and the same toward my d and l. Very fair but oblivious .
We or l , never discussed us, in my coming and going for d or in sorting out of our house and financial mess . although there was a few all night text sessions where ex admitting lots of things and to effing up hugely with all this. But she was still on her path. However , now and then over our first 12mths sep' , if something did flare up, a few times she just told me point blank to fk off.
They weren't even big things , l use to be the one with the short fuse not her .
It was amazing though , the way she could just say that now , totally uncaring of the consequences . Of course she was living with my d , not me. So she could afford to risk that . l was the one that had to keep coming and going no matter what. She chops and changes a a lot , a bit coldish one day and happy to see me the next . But not monstering .
But , over all , to this day and even back then with all our financial crap and with me and my d , really , she's been a dream ex tbh.
When l hear and read about what others are being put through , tbh l'm thankful for my sitch.