You’re welcome to differ, Lisa. I was also very surpressided by Mr J lack of coping. We’ve had been trough several rough situation together, both family and work related for 20 years. No friends had start do die, we have no children, no mortgage (the flat was rented), no parents failing (or better, my dad was failing but Mr J did not have to care with the issue, nor have I, my mum and siblings were looking after my dad – we lived in the capital, not here). Mr J was 36 when he left, not 45, 50 or 60. He had many, many years ahead of him. Our life was easy, no major issues to deal with.
Still facing the mortality is the one thing, coupled with stress, that I think was a major issue. Mr J had lost his paternal grandmother, if I’m not mistaken, in the Summer 2005. But he was a 35 years old man and his grandma an old lady. He had lost both his grandfathers when he was young (I never meet any of the grandfathers even if I meet Mr J when I was 18) and he coped fine with it.
So, the death of a grandparent could had not be the reason for the crisis or a proof of bad coping skills. He had coped with the death of two grandparents when much, much younger. And me and him have been tested, big time, before and we survived fine. however Mr J went MLC in a period when nothing that serious was going on.
So I really don’t have any explanation for it except if I look to biochemical issues.
No, there is no telling. If it had happened ten years before or latter you
It was only when our kid was diagnosed with cancer that I realized he didn't have it... And there is no telling, if that had happened ten years earlier, or later, or not in combination with a big promotion, my starting a business, the economy taking a nosedive, and getting sued, maybe his chemistry would have "handled" it all. It's hard to know, but I do know that we had never truly been tested before that, even though I would have said we had. He has a difficult and competitive job, we faced death and health scares, but never at that magnitude. And I do think a lot of people can look back and say the same.
MLC may, or may not be different. Many people loose their parents when they are young so losing parents cannot be the explanation. Many people endure terrible things when they are young and they never have a MLC. Terrible things happening to you also cannot be the explanation. Like you’ve said, many people face difficult situations at work at midlife. But some face them before midlife. And they don’t have a MLC.
That I recall no one ever said that what MLCers do is right. Can people really make different choices? And here are putting you the question we were put on one of the neurology courses I took. There is a big debate on the matter, and free will, on the neuroscience community. One of the reasons being that our subconscious decides actions (like writing on a computer or grab a glass) before the actual action takes places, that is, before we are conscious aware we’re going to do it.
I’m not saying that we have or don’t have choices, I think we do but that they can be impaired by a series of things. But the big problem in MLC is not the affair. Plenty of people have affairs but don’t have a MLC. Mr J real MLC problem is his addiction to clubbing. OW is not that relevant. He left mainly because he wanted a new lifestyle, to be a DJ and go clubbing. OW1 was expecting him to be a good partner, like he was a husband. She got a die hard clubber and end up leaving him. OW2 was meet on the clubbing scene.
Since Mr J never went clubbing before, why on earth did he get into it, drinking (a thing he also didn’t do before) , not sleeping (he always needed a lot of sleep and rest), all of a sudden?
True physical addiction and chemical withdrawal is not the same as deciding that you are going to take OWs kids on vacation and not your own. Those are choices, and no amount of hormone balancing is going to right that scale.
There can be addiction to a person, OW could be an addiction. But I confess I don’t really get the kids thing. If no amount of hormones balacing is going to right that scale, how do you explain that, after the crisis, MLCer regret their actions and go back to who they were (I know they do, one of my cousins had a MLC, albeit a very mild one, no OW, no leaving his job. But he stopped coming by for ages and he even missed our grandmother birthday, a thing he has never done)?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying, or suggesting, we have to wait or take back our MLCers. I have no wish of take back Mr J. I just want him to manage to see straight and allow us to divorce (he drags), just making questions.
He is failing school. He is an exceptionally bright kid, with a learning disability. He also has hormonal issues, all males do at that age, possibly depression, anxiety and ADHD thrown in to boot. However, none of those things are an excuse for him failing all his classes except social studies where he has a high B. He LIKES that teacher and chooses to do well. So as I deliberate his IEP going into HS, he doesn't need more time on tests, or drugs to make him "different." HE CAN do it, if he chooses... But he is choosing to piss off his dad... We can overcome body chemistry, or choose not to let it rule us if we find ourselves in a place we don't like. MLCers actively choose differently.
I’m sorry your S14 is failing school. But really, Lisa, your son is having hormonal troubles, possible depression, anxiety and ADHD and you think that is not a reason (a reason is not the same as an excuse) for him to be failing at school? Should he be able to, alone, overcome his hormonal issues plus depression, anxiety and ADHD? I find it a little difficult. Also, if he senses that you’re so tough and so incapable of seeing those things can be a problem that should be addressed medically or with any other appropriated help he may become even more depressed and anxious.
How exactly can your son, or anyone else, choose to overcome his body chemistry, without any other thing except choice? Choice is not going to modify is hormonal issues, depression, anxiety or ADHD. What if it social studies are just easier for your son? Are you sure he is choosing to upset his dad? Even if he is, that is not what caused his hormonal issues, depression, anxiety and ADHD, is it?
Sometimes, during my monthly cycle, I’m not capable of doing things at the same level as on other times of the month. Same if I haven’t had enough sleep.