Like the thinking of each other as the phone rings, time and time again, for years, and you know they were dialling you as you pictured them, or vice versa. The knowing that your take-out coffee wasn't right. The reminding you that you would be together in your rocking chairs together in the nursing home
, and together until you die. The unspoken "Don't worry, I got it". The just "knowing".
When we met and had the butterflies but no history, that is all we had, and yes, many people have those feelings, and they dwindle in a short time, and they part and continue on their way. For the rest of us, the butterflies go, but they are replaced by something deeper and stronger.
H and I would have our differences, and yes, we would have our disputes, sometimes daily, but it would be over and done with as quick as it started, and we carried on as usual. No secrets (really, no secrets), and an honest relationship, say it as it was, love it, fight it, but always clear the air and no grudges. That was us. Nothing unsaid, truth spoken, then boom, out of nowhere, although now i look back, I see it crept up on us, but nothing obvious. BD was still a surprise for us all. To feel okay doing that in front of children, shows me that NOTHING mattered outside of him.
Very sad.
Also sad to think H got "those" feelings for someone else that were "ours". Then again, who cares. What we had was real, and I know that for sure, so who is to say theirs isn't? It is real for them, and enough so that nothing else matters. Not for me to judge, although very tempting.....
I still love H, but just do not like him.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein