That's what socializing does for me also.
If you still like people in your life you are going to be just fine. I think the people who may have a tendency to become so embittered that they shut everyone else out have a harder time with this kind of challenge.
That's why NC to me seems rude or harsh for me to do the first time around. I didn't want to be "rude" to the MLcer or give the impression I didn't care about what was going on with him. But the stuff he said WOW.
and OWWWWW!!!!
I'm just not into the pain of all that this time. He can come to his own conclusions about me not talking, emailing or any other form of communication. I sent one last very clear email and haven't been bothered since.
Going this long without contact is kind of like making deposits in the bank and I feel like with one interaction it may deplete everything I have saved up for.
I feel stronger and better everyday. It's like my case I was somewhat "addicted" to the mistreatment because I didn't have a clue what it was like to be treated with respect.
Now I'm giving MYSELF the respect. It's going to take a while to heal due to the total disbelief of all of it being a reality..but it is. And it's a NEW reality and after all the time I spent trying to "make" it work it is difficult to come to terms with.
Everyone may backslide have a moment where we think "Sh!T! They reeled me in again"
This is where the trick of the head space and memories come in for me. The triggers are fading..and when they show up I just turn them around into something else. SOMETHING POSITIVE just for me.
Humor REALLY helps! I love it when a thread gets Hijacked and funny stuff gets said about whatever!
And by the way I don't consider this "MY thread" it's open to anyone who wants to share something. I'd like to keep a focus on the No Contact topic but you never know when someone might just post something that's a "light bulb" for someone else.