Ok Question: If all MLCs are different how come it is a foregone conclusion that if BD was w/in last 4 months it's too early for any REAL
My H left Valentine's Day. Ran down the street to OW apt. Saying "You'll never change.You don't like me" Was completely gone
for 6 weeks.
Now Touch n Goes to get Ds 8 and 11. Smiling .Telling me and girls I am beautiful. Batting his eyelashes at me. Says "I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to be close to me either"
Wandering around our big beautiful house when I'm not here commenting on "Mommy keeps this place so nice. Mommy is so beautiful. Mommy has changed."
Mowing the lawn. Checking my oil. Changing the gas tank on our grill.
Ds say he lives in a tiny 3rd floor apt with OW that is disgusting and smells. He hardly works driving the limo. He used to be a stay at home Dad. I make great money. Ds say they don't have cable or TV. Just VCR tapes. Plus she's extremely ugly. (has 7 year old who doesn't live with her.She's our age 50)
I've been quiet and forging ahead since I found this site right after he left. I have religiously followed ALL the advice given in the articles. I never even raised my voice since it happened.
Is it cake eating that he comes around and he acts so nice and normal. He was always the jealous type. Can only fathom that he needed a place to run to and he's using her b/c it's convenient.
WTH? LG has me convinced he'll be gone at OWs for a long, long time. I'll keep doing what I am doing because when he blinks those love eyes at me I can't help but feel he's trying to say "I am confused. Please give me some time to straighten things out>"
Who knows That Tunnel sucks.