I suspect that is what will happen with my husband... he has been riding the fence and not letting go of OW all the way and I've had enough. I have emotionally divorced him, just like he did me (except not really on my part) and told him he has used up all of his chances.... that he had EVERY chance in the world... that I've held the door open for him until the hinges fell off.... that I was tired of hearing his excuses and justifications.... that every time I present him with the TRUTH that OW is still in the background, not matter how much or how little, he tells me "I can get rid of her... I know what I have to do". Well, how many years am I supposed to give him to get rid of her? I'm done. He is panicked and feeling sorry for himself. He will blame me for not "giving us a chance" yada, yada, but I KNOW THE TRUTH!!
I also know that he may latch onto OW again, even though he says it's not what he wants.... he doesn't have anywhere else to go and I pointed out that he HAD a home, but because he continues to cheat on me, he's OUT.... HIS CHOICE and NOT MY PROBLEM! I also know that until he is ready to get off of his pity POTTY and quit blaming ME and everyone else for his crap life, that I don't want him back. He is full of resentment and wallowing in fear and weakness. As long as he is WEAK, he will fall in every way.... he'll just continue on with his behaviors that, incidentally, I've seen THROUGHOUT our marriage! His "issues" have taken over his life... he is one dimensional now. The BAD outweighs the good at this point.
Do not FEAR that your husband will feel there is no way back... he knows how to get there. You have shown him over and over....