My MLCer is at home from start to now. 3 1/2 years and it is not over. We are going through the divorce now.
It is very hard for me. In the beginning, when I didn't know he was in MLC, having him at home, I made all the mistakes the LBS should not have made. Because of the fact he was always around (when not away on business), sent me a wrong message. I was trying very hard to please him, please the family.... and he was treating me and the marriage like there was nothing wrong only that we were not intimate. 2 1/2 years later he dropped the D bomb citing separation as the grounds for D.
One year after D bomb, he is still here although he said on BD day that he was leaving. We both are not the arguing or quarrelsome type. Since marriage till today, we have not shouted or screamed at each other. We were like everyone else here, very much a happy family. Not the perfect one, not the one where nothing goes wrong, but still a happy family. You know what I mean. Yes, he rewrote history - he said we quarreled all the time.
It was difficult for me to think that my ever loving and caring H has done and said all these. I didn't set boundaries until few months back. Should have done so earlier. He was having it all - getting his D soon, keeping his money (or so he thought), stops giving me sufficient for my expenses and the household, goes and comes and expecting that the household is still taken care of, eats with us (I finally put a stop to it).
How did I feel? I was torn between being what I am and what I should do. It became a cat and mouse situation. He comes home, I hide, he goes out, I come out of my room. I have just changed that. I sit around the house and he hides. He only comes out when the children are home.
I don't know what I would have preferred if I had a choice of having at stay at home MLCER or one that left. Doesn't matter , I don't have a choice, he wrote the script. I can only say that I can see the some of the changes he is going through as he is still here. His replay activities are less, he is connecting with the children. And it hurts when I see my children going out with him, when I should be there too.