Ready2, here we have a vaccines boletin. Some people do not have it in order, but for many things it is necessary to have our vaccines up to date. I think the only one for adults that here is necessary to take for your whole life is tetanus.
Several of those that Kikki mentioned Mr Bursty had are only necessary if we go to certain parts to certain parts of the Globe. Hepatitis B I think is given to kids now, but it is not mandatory to current adults.
I doubt vaccines have anything to do with it. Pretty much every single Portuguese has vaccines. Not everyone here is having a MLC.
And if vaccines did it, then everyone who has went to certain parts of the Globe would be having a MLC. That is not the case.
An adverse reaction to a vaccine and MLC are two very different things. I have relatives, friends as well as my aunt boyfriend, who have had the whole lot of vaccines necessary for certain parts of the Globe, they are not having MLC. And my cousin who had MLC only had the standard vaccines necessary for Portugal, for a man his age (children now have more vaccines then we did when we were kids).
Velika, it is true that there is no way of knowing how a person will react to receives multiple shots at once, but there are many people who have got multiple shots at once and they did not had MLC.
So, as a cause/source of MLC as a whole, vaccines are, in my view, like strokes, they may have something to do with a specific individual MLC, but it is not possible to apply it to all (or even most) MLCers.
Yes, mini strokes can have a different effect depending of the part of the brain they hit. Or the intensity of the mini stroke, but they cannot be the cause of MLC. It does not apply no all, nor to most MLCers.
Not everyone comes out of MLC. Most people do. And sometimes people come out of MLC, but remain with the alienator for reasons of their own.
I think it may be easier to accept that your husband is having a MLC. That is what has happened to him.
I tend to stick to hormones/brain chemicals, and possibly electric circuit imbalance for the cause of MLC. Vaccines and strokes are not something I would consider. ADD/ADHD, Bipolar (or any other mental illness) do not exclude a person from having MLC. OP's mother is bipolar and, if I am not mistaken, she had a MLC. How does MLC on a bipolar looks like? Try to multiply what we deal with by 10 000.
Yes, Moment, our genes can be changed. I don't recall the possibility of genes to be altered with thoughts, but I remember that the ambient we live in can change our genes. And it is known that negative thoughts can lead to depression, depression leading to certain chemical and hormonal alterations.
Negative thoughts alone will not do it. Only when coupled with a biological reaction, be it hormonal, chemical, or other. I'm not so certain the MLC behavior is tied to their unconscious belief system. That would mean that our MLCers unconscious belief system is a very nasty one. The other reason I do not believe that is because Mr J wrote OW1 that he had to break his values to do what he was doing (having an affair with her and wanting to leave, then leaving).
And unconscious belief system sounds like the sort of thing Freud and Jung would go for. Much I like Jung (I do not like Freud's work, nor do I find it very reliable), the unconscious applied to MLC is interesting from a more spiritual perspective, but does it not cut it neurologically nor biologically.
Yes, our hormones, and brain chemicals levels would make us do things against our belief system. It happens to people with Bipolar, especially in their manic phase. Or some people with hypothyroidism. Or think about addicts. Or like Ready2 said, schizophrenia or ADD. They are not choices.
In fact, a socio or a psychopath have different brain wiring than most people. Same goes for paedophiles. There is a reason why those people are considered mentally (and times also neurologically) ill. And the reason can be found in the brain.
Are you familiar with addiction and compulsions? If so, you know that those lead people to do things against their belief system. Every single day. Are you familiar with soldier behaviour in the battle field (in combat)? If so, you also know that often, because of the excess of adrenaline and other hormones, will also do things that are against their belief system and that, in the battle field (in combat) their brains change, and so do their hormones an their heart rate.
Stress alone can lead people to do many things that go against their belief system.
So, what you suggesting, Moment, is that we accept something that is not true. Most of us had spouses who were good people. Then MLC hit and they changed. That is why we know they are having a MLC. Otherwise we would not have notice a thing. When we meet our husbands they were not the OM in a one night stand. They were normal, caring, decent, good people.
As for acceptance in the way you were referring to, I think you are aware several of us here in this discussion are old timers. We have long moved from the sort of attachment newbies, and even mid timers, have.
We simply think that there is something far more than "oh, he/she just chose to do it". And we develop an interest for neuroscience, genetics, etc.
Regarding SSRIs, some people think they can lead some depressed people to bipolar. SSRIs seems to work well, or ok, for some people, and to have disastrous effects to others. Long before MLC Mr J had been depressed. The depression come from burnout. He as given Prozac. The Prozac drove him nuts and he had to stop. To my knowledge he never took a SSRI again.
There are other meds that may work better than SSRI in certain cases/with certain people.
Hmmm, I vote on the cortisol (stress) for the main villain in MLC. Cortisol is an hormone, so, it goes back to my belief that hormones play a huge part in MLC.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)