Towards the end of my depression, I did reach out to him more. Despite what we LBS think, when they are ready to try to repair the damage they will indeed come forth to let their desire to come back to the marriage be known. Just as much as I shut him down and treated him like he had the plague, I was also quick to let him know I still loved him and wanted to work on the marriage when the depression lifted. It was gradual though, at first I asked if he wanted to come over with me and the kids to watch tv, then I remember making up another excuse all kid related at first. I was testing him to see how receptive he was. Then one night I asked if he wanted to stay over. He asked me to stay over his place instead.
He was unsure of what was happening because I turned him down left and right every chance I got. He also by then was dealing with MLC and in replay. He did all the things I did to him, withdraw, come close,withdraw, disappear, and get clingy when he thinks I am going to move on. If your spouse is doing these things then they have some awareness of what they are doing. They also may not want to lose you and have not made their mind up about the other person. Sometimes they may even be like me, entertaining someone else for pure fun and selfishness but know deep down they belong with you and will return home at some point. It is better for them to leave as to not hurt you anymore than