Hummingbird, delighted to see you posting. It has always amazed me how much guilt and shame is misunderstood. I guess we must think of it in the sense of being little children and how our parents could "guilt" us into doing the right thing. Seems to work really well with little people, probably because we are so dependent on our parents and we are afraid they will not LOVE us any more, if we do not make them proud. Guilt and shame, certainly doesn't have that same effect on "adults". Instead it actually increases their anger and resentment, which results in them spewing monster, indifference, cruelty whatever angst they are experiencing onto the people who have stood by them.
I am ever hopeful that MLC will be better understood someday. Humans always resist what they DO NOT UNDERSTAND! Especially something, that does not show up on an x-ray, a blood test, a urine sample...
. I believe forums like RCR's Hero's, will change that. All kinds of things were kept in the closet when I was a child, retarded children, emotionally disturbed people, alcoholism, drug addiction, heck even MENOPAUSE was discussed only by "old women" when I was a girl. Now, all that is out in the open. Taboo topics are routinely discussed at the supper table and long overdue.
I am convinced MLC will become another topic that will be an accepted condition. With understanding, knowledge, awareness, families that were once left devastated will get assistance, perhaps even PROTECTION, as the unreliability and inconsistencies of an MLCer become more commonly understood. Hopefully, more LBS (let's be special, Bewildered renamed it) will quietly and calmly understand what their once "devoted" partner is going through and more willingly use the time to strengthen themselves, help their children to understand and grow from the experience, as they themselves will. Openly, honestly, assess their options and better able to choose the best course of action for themselves and their family. STANDING because they feel it is the right thing to do, not because they fear what their lives might or might not be like without their partner. Decide without fear of financial destruction and hopefully maintain a civil relationship with each other, whatever the outcome. Resulting in less damage, all round.
Understanding, that guilt and shame will not HELP bring your spouse to his / her senses. In fact, will probably send them running, faster and further away, casting hell and damnation on you, as they depart, is a huge step forward for the LBS's personal growth and eventual recovery.
hugs Stayed