Guilt does not automatically move on to true REMORSE. Remorse takes time, effort, genuine acknowledgement of all that you did wrong. Owning it. Making true retribution. Acknowledgment of past wrongs and a determination to put them right, or at least as right as is possible. Let's be honest, this cannot be undone, but it can certainly be acknowledged and truly regretted.
We can't do diddly squat about helping our spouse or anybody, own their bad behaviour. The only person we can lead to ownership of their actions, is ourselves. It comes completely and wholly from within OURSELVES! All we can do, is lead by example. Hopefully, they will follow suit.
The point is, if you want a truly loving relationship with your MLCer/spouse, true remorse and repenting has to be accomplished. People will run and rationalize bad behaviour for a long, long time, before committing themselves to repent and remorse. People do not like to feel badly about themselves and for some bazaar reason, they find it impossible to believe that admitting to their sins, repenting for them and being truly REMORSEFUL, will actually MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER about themselves, their life and the people around them.
We live in a crazy old world. We all learn this stuff in Sunday school, from the age of 4, yet somehow most of us seem to have MISSED, Sunday School Remorse and Redemption 101.
Hugs Stayed