So today I wanted to share a story about a woman that lives in the elderly home I am volunteering at least twice a week . I have just started last month and so I still get to know the people and the life's and the stores to have to share Little by little.
Every day before I go I ask God to show me where I am needed most that day and who needs to be listened to and so I just go with the flow walk my rounds..
So we were having a girls group conversation and all of them talked about how long they were married and talk about their spouses and so on. one of the ladies there is 96 years old (just had her birthday 2 weeks ago) and she said she was 21 years married until her husband left her and their 4 children ..
She said her oldest then was 15 and the youngest 7 years old .
And I just said "oh my gosh that is what my husband is doing right now" and ask her how old she was ..she said she was 37 years old and her husband was in his early 40s .. So it screams midlife crises !!

I'll ask her then if he ever came back and said he was sorry..? she said "yes, three years later he turned around and said he wanted to come back home but she said no you made your bed and have to lay in it".. She went on and got a job and took care of her 4 kids on her own.. Mind you that was 60 years ago!! So much harder to do when most women dependent on their husbands! That took some guts..
I know that this form is about standing.. and I respect that... but that's not what I'm talking about what I got out from this was she said to me :
" take one day at a time can do this! you will get out stronger and my four children love me and are very proud of me and how strong I was then, I could take care of my kids all by myself ,I didn't need a man .. So just trust God ,the good Lord, he will see you through and everything will be OK .."
I guess I needed that message and again I'm amazed that people still come forward to me and share their story.. mind you she was already the second lady in the nursing home whose husband has walked out on her .
She said she never dated again but it's not that she didn't want to -it's just that she took care of her children and then by the time that they were old enough ,she felt she was too old to date again ..but she said she never minded she was happy .
She said later to me that thank you for sharing my story with you and I said no I thank you From the bottom of my heart I do .
She says her 4 children are very proud of her and don't really have any contact to their father . And I asked about the husband if he was ever happy and she said honestly I don't know I never saw him again really .
Bottom line is no matter what trust in God he will see you through and trust in yourself you can come out as a better person ..
That's why I wanted to hear because those stories a priceless and that means so much to me right now ...