The advice here and on the HB site is very oriented to a single religious/cultural view. One which in a way is black or white. The MLCer is either going to stay married to you, or divorce you to marry the other woman. That this is the only way the crisis will ever be resolved. Well, sometimes the outcome could be different.
Changing I personally don't know where on earth you have got this view from.
I have been on here on and off for two years I have seen so many varied outcomes. I have read so many stories, I have been through nearly every archived story and every article I could lay my hands on, on here, on HB, on divorce busting and other places.
Whereas I agree the HB site is a very Christian site.....I still haven't seen only two outcomes on there either.
Infact thats the thing with MLC there is no black and white there are just huge swathes of grey. I just don't know where you got the black and white outcome from I really don't......and as I said I have read and compiled information from literally hundreds of pages of articles, quotes, insights stories.
I am from the UK (not that it has anyting to do with it but just saying) I am not religious I am spiritual and I believe in the power of the universe.
I believe my H will come home (I don't like to say back as it has negative vibes to me) and BTW I have had lots of similar conversations with my H, as you have had with yours where he admitted something is wrong with his head, he is not himself, he is feeling down and latterly mentioned he had to get his thoughts right.
I believe in my marriage, I believe in my H, I know this is not who he truly is and I know we will be happy again.
I have armed myself with all the knowledge I need about MLC, I had a great therapist who was also a neuroscientist and had lots of experience in MLC. She has a more optimistic view of MLC outcomes and has always urged me to be compassionate with my H, to build a pathway for him to follow when his head turned to home, I have never gone no contact, because in my case it would not work and in the main I have found the articles RCR has written to be quite accurate (in my case) and I have used what I can and discarded what doesn't fit my circumstances and followed my instincts, but the one thing I do know is my H has to go through this crisis, (now its started), because if he doesn't then this WILL happen again. The hardest lesson I had to learn was I could not fix this for H.
I believe there are stories on here past and present, that IMO are not MLC, they have been exit affairs, limerent affairs, some that are mentally ill with bipolar or other personality disorders or depression without crisis.
I have seen you mention or hint many times your story is different, maybe it is...........But if you really think your H is in MLC, then all you can you wont be able to fix it for him either, you can be his friend, you can be compassionate, you can read up on everything but you cannot fix it or control it.
I wish you luck in whatever you do
"I can't go back to yesterday I was a different person then"..............Alice in Wonderland
you NEVER know how strong you are, until being strong is the ONLY choice you have"