Oh my,
It is confirmed that I have a low energy wallower... big time.
I had no idea that I would see so many similarities to others situations.
Like Thunder, he is shopping ALL THE TIME and only purchasing bargains. He is looking at things to purchase over the web...all the time. They are pretty much small things...groceries on sale, clothing, tools and outdoor stuff. He buys me things. He sends me emails of things we need.
He takes his things from the house and then, when I think he is keeping them for good, he brings them back. They reappear in the house when I am not here.
One minute he is leaving, the next he is not. His actions do not match his words.
He says he wants to split our things and then drops the subject.
He has not found his own place to live. He keeps staying with relatives and friends until they ask him to leave. He gives them a timeframe...and then never leaves.
He pretty much finds fault in everyone.
He does not have an OW but has fantasized about someone. I don't know exactly who but can guess that they are perceived as great caregivers.
He is constantly moving, travelling to places on his own...doing nothing spectacular. He drives all over the place!
He is generally introverted but has this need to talk to anyone and everyone. He yaks it up with sales clerks like they are his longtime friends.
He keeps in constant touch with my family and shows up at their birthday parties etc.
He seems to be burning bridges everywhere.
OMG...I could go on and on. I had no idea that they all do similar stuff. And it seems that none of them ever return. They just continue to be present and make your life miserable.